Югорский государственный университет
Научно-образовательный центр
«Динамика окружающей среды и глобальные изменения климата»
Кафедра ЮНЕСКО

Future events


Past events

16-26 August 2024, II International field symposium (Khanty-Mansiysk, Beloyarsky, Russia)

25-29 July 2022 Summer barcoding school, Khanty-Mansiysk

7-10 June 2022  Summer carbon polygon courses, Khanty-Mansiysk

27 June — 8 July 2021 VI INTERNATIONAL FIELD SYMPOSIUM “West Siberian Peatlands and Carbon Cycle: Past and Present”

17-23 февраля 2020, Арктические междисциплинарные исследования – ARCTIS2020 (Ханты-Мансийск)

18-22 февраля 2019 года в Мурманской области состоялся междисциплинарный полевой курс Арктические междисциплинарные исследования – ARCTIS2019

Greehouse gas exchange in boreal wetland and freshwater ecosystems — a multi-scale approach (GHG+)
2-5 Aprile 2018

A group from University of Helsinki workув at MFS with GHG+ (supported by Transnational Access INTERACT) project. They installed a methane analyzer LI-7700 for the Eddy Covariance system and made other related works with the equipment. A workshop on maintenance of the system and data analysis was held in the University. See TV broadcast about the workshop.

INTERNATIONAL APPLIED RESEARCH CONFERENCE “Trans-Regional Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Usage of Water Resources: Russia and Kazakhstan“
APPLIED RESEARCH WORKSHOP “Legal Environment of Rational Use of Water Resources within the KhMAO – Yugra (Ob-Irtysh Basin)”
16 – 19 October, 2017

The conference aims to contribute to the comprehensive knowledge sharing on management and protection of water bodies, as well as to join efforts to address water security issues.
The workshop is set to improve the expertise level of staff in water-related industries to settle issues of the rational use of water resources.
Corporate experts featuring water use and disposal, officers of regional environment agencies of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and other countries, officials, researchers, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students are welcome to participate.

Visit the page

V INTERNATIONAL FIELD SYMPOSIUM “West Siberian Peatlands and Carbon Cycle: Past and Present”
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Carbon Balance of Western Siberian Mires in the Context of Climate Change”
19 – 29 June, 2017

The program of the Symposium and Conference will include a trip to the natural park Kondinskiye Lakes, 450 km to the west from Khanty-Mansiysk, sessions and meetings, an excursion to the international filed station Mukhrino and a trip to palsa bogs of the northern taiga near Noyabrsk (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).

Visit the page

The Interdisciplinary Summer School “Boreal wetlands”
August 24 – September 3, 2016

The Interdisciplinary Summer School “Boreal wetlands: from plant biodiversity and ecophysiology to biogeochemical cycles and greenhouse gases budgets” is organized by Yugra State University (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia), University of Helsinki (Finland) and Lund University (Sweden) with support of the Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programme in Education and Research (SIU and NordForsk).

Visit the page with details about the school

VI International Meeting on the Biology of Sphagnum
15 — 24 August, 2016
The program of the VI International Meeting on the Biology of Sphagnum of International Association of Bryologists includes trips to the forests and mires around Khanty-Mansiysk and on the way to the natural park “Kondinskiye Lakes”, 450 km to the west.

Visit the page with details about the meeting

III International Field Symposium «West Siberian peatlands and carbon Cycle: Past and Present»
27 June — 5 July, 2011
The Symposium gathered international scientists interested to discuss the following topics: origin and paleoecology of northern bogs, role of bogs in preserving biological diversity, modelling of carbon balance and hydrothermic conditions of the bogs, impact of oil production and modern technologies of reclamation.

Download conference proceedings (Pdf)

Scientific Field Excursion — 2009
14 — 26 June, 2009
The event was held in frames of the international ecological festival «Save and Preserve». 27 scientists and experts in the sphere of natural resources management from the Netherlands learnt about environment and natural bogs of the Yugra region, met with authorities and established new contacts. The guests visited the Mukhrino station, «Kondinskiye lakes» natural park and had a trip to the bordering Yamal region in order to study permafrost. 

Visit the page with details about the excursion (in Russian)