August 24 — September 3, 2016
The Interdisciplinary Summer School “Boreal wetlands: from plant biodiversity and ecophysiology to biogeochemical cycles and greenhouse gases budgets” is organized by Yugra State University (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia), University of Helsinki (Finland) and Lund University (Sweden) with support of the Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programme in Education and Research (SIU and NordForsk).
The School’s aims are as follows:
— to provide training in the field of climate change to the worldwide student community;
— to promote student mobility between the European countries and Russia;
— to introduce Russian Boreal ecosystem research to the international community;
— to increase awareness of global warming in the Boreal region.
The Summer School will take place at Yugra State University in Khanty-Mansiysk (60.54 N, 68.42 E) and at Mukhrino Field Station, which is the only year-round operating station of ecological monitoring in West Siberia. Mukhrino is part of INTERACT and PEEX station networks.
The program includeslectures, field trips and measurements, laboratory work, data analysis,and a cultural program in Khanty-Mansiysk. The language is English. The course is worth of 5 ECTS. Download the schedule
- Introduction to Earth climate system and carboncycle
- Biosphere-Atmosphere interaction
- Flux measurement techniques
- Boreal peatland and greenhouse gas transport
- Ecophysiology and hydrology of boreal peatland
- Ecology, vegetation communities and functioning of West Siberia peatlands
Teachers include: Martin Heimann, Eeva-Stiina Tuittila, Janne Rinne, Timo Vesala, Egor Duykarev, Elena Lapshina and Ivan Mammarella.
MSc and PhD students are invited to apply by sending one PDF file with application form, CV and a recommendation letter of supervisor to and
Travel (up to max 500€), accommodation and board expenses for the participants will be covered.
Yulia Papanova, Yugra State University,
Elena Lapshina, Yugra State University,
Pavel Alekseychik, University of Helsinki,
Ivan Mammarella, University of Helsinki,
-There is one daily direct flight from Moscow to Khanty-Mansiysk (time flight about 3 hours, average cost of a flight ticket is 300 €).
-The accommodation will be arranged by the organizers. Students will stay in Hotel (double rooms) in Khanty-Mansiysk for six nights and at Mukhrino field station for three nights.
-Mukhrino field station is located 30 km from Khanty-Mansiysk. The station is reachable by foot (about 3 hour walk through pristine forest ).
-Participants will stay at the wooden house (or tents if desired) with bunk beds in two rooms. There is a kitchen and a sauna (Russian banya).
-Probably there will be still mosquitos and midges in Mukhrino.
-To learn more about Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug, please visit the webpage.